Fall was transformed into winter by the nor'easter that hit the region yesterday. Wave Hill had to close for safety reasons as branches broke off trees under the weight of the snow. But performers and video crew were there, ready to go; the nature of the work is to perform through the seasons and the weather. So much preparation for this moment! I was impressed with Wave Hill staff's support of our artistic vision and practice in allowing us to perform on the lawn away from the trees. It was challenging, beautiful, and sad, as we reflected on climate change hearing branches crashing around us.
I am grateful to all who made this happen. The performers: Marion Ramirez, Shavon Norris, Beau Hancock, Jumatatu Poe and Tigger Benford; Michael Max Knobbe and the Bronx Net crew; Jenniffer McGregor; Jenniffer McGregor, Michael Wiertz and the rest of the Wave Hill staff. Thanks also to Patti Bradshaw and Tom Ross for showing up despite the challenges of getting there!
Hello Philadelphia! Thanks to all who came out yesterday! It was a wonderful day to begin Wissahickon Reunion, sunny and crisp. So good to be in the woods again with Shavon, Olive and Jumatatu, and to welcome Marion and Beau. A special shout out to Harold E Smith and his hypnotic didgeridoo.
And many thanks to our supporters from OYWPP who came back--- Judy, Karen, Pepon, Gabe, Bill, Rocio, Rennie, Cory, Guisa, Jung Woong...--- and so many new faces! Check out Ari Kim-Ramirez, the world's youngest branch dancer!
Next performance Saturday Oct 29 at 3PM at Wave Hill Art Center in New York City. See previous posting for more info.
Its a wonderful day for visiting the park! Make sure you layer up because its a bit cold. Wear shoes with tread--there has been a lot of erosion due to the rains and the paths are a bit tricky. Bring water. Travel light. For directions to the site view the previous post. See you there!
The first performance of Wissahickon Reunion will take placetomorrow Sunday Oct 23, from 10:30 -11:15 AM along the path from Mt. Airy Ave tothe Mt Airy Ave Bridge in Wissahickon Park. The performance will feature dancers Beau Hancock, Shavon Norris, Jumatatu Poe, Olive Prince, and Marion Ramirez and a special appearance by percussionist Harold Smithwho will bejoining us on the didgeredoo.
The forecast is for a mostly sunny day with highs in the low 60’s with a bit of wind.Fine fall weather!I hope youcan join us.
From CC: take Kelly Drive (check your GPS as Kelly Drive may be closed tomorrow) or 76W to Lincoln Drive to the first traffic light (Rittenhouse).Turn right on Rittenhouse to first traffic light (Wissahickon)and turn left.Follow Wissahickon (you will cross Lincoln Drive) to Mt. Airy Ave (it’s the last cross street before Wissahickon curves sharply to the right to become Allens Lane.If you find yourself on the curve you’ve gone too far).Left on Mt. Airy Ave.Drive one block to the end of the road.Park along the street.The entrance to the park is at the end of the street.You will find us along the path(s).
From North Philadelphia:Take Broad Street North to Venango (just past Temple Hospital). Turn left on Venago and follow it to Erie.Cross Erie.Venango become Wissahickon Ave.Continue on Wissahickon to Mt Airy Ave ( see directions above)
Public transport:
Regional Rail:The R8 Chestnut Hill West Line will get you reasonably close and there is a train that arrives at the Allens Lane Station at 10:15.Walk west along Allen’s Lane and follow the road as it curves around to the left (it becomes Wissahickon Ave).The first cross street after the curve is Mt. Airy Ave.Turn right onto Mt. Airy Ave.The entrance to the park is at the end of the road (2 blocks). http://septa.org/schedules/rail/index.html
Buses:The H bus gets you reasonably close.Get off on McCalum and Mt. Pleasant.Walk one block north to Mt. Airy Ave.Turn left. Walk along Mt Airy Ave to the end (about 5 or 6 blocks).
Biking:From CC: Take Kelly Drive until it end on Ridge.Cross Ridge and enter the Park.Follow Forbidden Drive to the Mt. Airy Ave Bridge (it’s the one after the Kitchen’s Lane Bridge)Cross the bridgeand go up the hill.You will find us along the path(s).
When I was invited by Jennifer McGregor to conduct a one-year project at Wave Hill,I was overjoyed.It’s a phenomenal opportunity to perform branch dancing in New York City at Wave Hill.New York New York! The Bronx! The old hood! All my friends! I am excited to be able to share Branch Dances @ Wave Hill with you!
AND then there’s my new home, Philadelphia, and the beautiful Wissahickon Woods where the branch dances were born. The NY project provides a structure for developing a similar project at home in Philadephia;hence Wissahickon Reunion. I want to lovingly revisit (on a modest scale) the One Year Wissahickon Project(OYWPP) which moved all who participated. Jumatatu Poe, Shavon Norris, and Olive Prince are back, yay!Toshi Makihara and Noemi Segarra, though not physically present,will be present in our memories.Joining us for the first time are Beau Hancock, Marion Ramirez, and Tigger Benford; and on October 23, Harold Smith with be accompanying us on the didgeridoo.
The first performance of Wissahickon Reunion will be a “fairy” performance;audiences will find usalong the path fromMt. Airy Ave to the Mt Airy Avenue bridge. Audiences are encouraged to block out some time to wander along the paths and enjoy a respite from the city.Bring a snack and water, have a picnic!The woods are glorious these days --- the brisk air, the dancing light, and changing leaves, and the wind, make it quite magical. Make sure to wear proper clothing, sun glasses, and walking shoes with grip.The recent rains have caused much erosion and the paths are a bit treacherous.You may want to pick up a walking stick!
Like OYWPP, Wissahickon Reunion performanceswill be held Sundays at 10:30AM.Give yourself some time to get lost and found!All performances will be heldrain or shine; cancellations only in extreme weather.Audiences should check this blog on the morning of the performances for up to date information.